Last Day (In English) - Reisverslag uit Kuta, Indonesië van DylanJanssens - Last Day (In English) - Reisverslag uit Kuta, Indonesië van DylanJanssens -

Last Day (In English)

Door: Dylan Janssens

Blijf op de hoogte en volg

30 Juli 2014 | Indonesië, Kuta

I am going to write this last one in English, because this experience would not be as great without the people I have met during my travels and my exchange. This time you can read about my crazy thoughts and crazy experiences and it's all thanks to everybody.

I didn't write for a long time, because I was too lazy to write, but I want to close this experience with a good last blog. Why am I suddenly in the mood for writing my blog? Because Erno is sleeping next to me, still smelling like alcohol from last night. I didn't go out because I have a fever and I am on medicine for an infection I spontaneously got in my ankle. Tonight I won't care what might happen, because I go back tomorrow to the Netherlands anyway.

First I start off with a little summary from the last 6 weeks, since I left Korea. I started off in Vietnam alone and travelled there for 2 weeks. I didn't have any plan when I was there and I got stuck at different places for different reasons varying from hot girls to awesome new-made friends to nice adventures. When I think of Vietnam I first become sad a little, because I failed to record anything like I did in any other country. It doesn't matter, because like everywhere, I had the best time of my life there.

After Vietnam I went to Thailand. There, my brother from another mother Lesley was going to travel with me. And so he did. We travelled together and we had the best time in Thailand. After half a year of not chilling together it was impressive how fast we were on the same level again. This time I recorded everything and started talking even more to my camera like never before as Lesley liked making movies just as I did. We got some great aftermovie shots and it will be the first thing I work on when I come back to the Netherlands. To give you some little inside information: Lesley's salto will be in it.

After Thailand we went to Bali, we met up with Nigel and Erno and started traveling together. It's also the place where I saw my parents and my little sister again for the first time, which was a little emotional. Also, my father asked to remarry my mother to renew their vows. My mother said yes of course and they are now together for 21 years! After 2 days of meeting my parents the four of us went on to Gilley Islands and than back to Bali to stay in a 4 star hotel in Kuta for the last week. Living in this hotel, especially for the last week of these 6 months, makes you feel pretty good. We just ordered roomservice by the way as Erno woke up, while I was writing this. What we are basically doing here is stop traveling and make it more of a last week of chilling, surfing and going out.

So, that was my little summary. We can get back to business now. My time is up here in Asia for now but I will definitely come back here for sure. If not for the different countries themselves, than I will just for the girls. I am going to ask myself now: What is the craziest thing you did, Dylan? There is lots of crazy things I did the past 6 months. I ate scorpion, I ate living octopus but the craziest thing is killing a snake in Vietnam and than eating all the parts of it. I drank the snakeblood mixed with ricewine, I drank gallbladder mixed with vodka and I had snake soup, which was delicious. Apart from eating things I didn't do any other crazy things.

But I did a lot of other memorable things. When I think back of this journey, I firstly think back of how unorganized I was and that I lost my passport the first day. Now that I start even thinking more about it, it is a little miracle that I didn't lose any important stuff. The time that was the most miraculous was how I got my GoPro back. I was swimming in the sea in Thailand to an island where the waves were insanely high and girls were even scared of getting on the island because the waves were making people crash into the island and we had to grab a rope to 'survive'. Wow, what a sentence. But I was not scared. I just put my headband with GoPro on it on my head and started swimming to the island. But before I was already at the island a wave smashed me and took my GoPro. At the moment it was not on my head anymore I was already not able to see it anymore. Than, this guy just snorkeled up my GoPro and while he was doing it he injured his, because he got smashed into the rocks. I am still really thankful for that. I think in the end, I lost my passport 2 times and lost my GoPro 2 times but always got it back by random luck. I will keep this angel on my shoulder close and will never let go of it.

But apart from losing things or eating things this was one hell of an adventure. Why was this a hell of an adventure? Because I've done so many things and have been to so many different countries. The more I start writing about this, the more I am smiling. I have the done the coolest things like diving with whale sharks in the Philippines and the most stupidest things like going to a maid cafe in Japan where my brain just froze. I've done hiking in almost every country and I've driven through the mountains in Vietnam, which was the most beautiful thing I did by far. In Singapore I started off a little shy, but being on your own on an adventure makes you develop and slowly but surely you'll become more loose as I was unchained in South Korea where it all really started for me. Being in a different world, which seems as the exact opposite of the Netherlands makes you look differently at things and makes you more open minded. I think this traveling did not change me. I think I am just refreshed. A person will never change. But they can have new views about things. Everybody has an ideal self. I have it too. But I stopped working towards it. This is what living in South Korea has taught me. The small things don't matter and it doesn't matter what others think too. Do what you want and enjoy. It's true that I have a big smile. It's because I smile a lot. It is also true that I gained some weight. It is because I love eating food at all the good places all over the world I have been to. Do what you want and live your life how you want to.

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Verslag uit: Indonesië, Kuta

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